
How much does it cost to got to Emnbry Riddle?

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How much does it cost to got to Emnbry Riddle?




  1. Too much. It is a private school and they charge a h**l of a lot for tution. Look into University of North Dakota, Ohio State, Perdue, or any public school with a flight program to save tens of thousands of dollars.

  2. I go to ERAU and yes it is expensive.  Luckly I had my PP, Instrument, and A&P before going.  It is still a lot of money but it is worth it.  Your getting the best of the best education.  People judge ERAU when they haven't even gone to the school.  Their just jealous because we put out the best pilot in the world and they never got a chance to go.  It is well worth going.  

  3. There is a cost breakdown on their website, here:

    To sum up, flight training will cost approximately $50,000 to get your private, instrument commercial, multi-engine, and flight instructor ratings. The acadamic courses leading to a BS degree, plus room, board, and other fees will cost at least $150,000 over 4 years.

    There are lots of cheaper alternatives, such as a local flight school and a community or state college. I have a 4 year degree from ERAU and I can truthfully say that it has not helped my career very much or given me any advantage over the hundreds of pilots I have met who  took a different and cheaper route to becoming professional aviators. The fact is, as long as you meet their hiring requirements for education and flying experience, the majority of employers (including the major airlines) do not attach much importance to where you learned to fly or what kind of college degree you have.

    While some ERAU students and grads think it is the best place in the world, I'm not one of them and if you applied to me for a flying job I wouldn't give you any extra consideration for having gone there.

    In other words, don't believe all the hyped-up advertising about how great a head start ERAU (or any other big aviation university) will give you. Succeeding in aviation is about 50% experience and personality and 49% who you know and being at the right place at the right time. It's only about 1% about where you went to school or learned to fly.


  4. Why on earth would you ask a question like that on Yahoo!Answers?

    Go to Embry-Riddle's web site and look there for the information on tuition and fees.  If it's not available on line, they can send you their catalog.

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