
How much does it cost to have a baby?

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I'm working on a science project and I need to know how much it cost to have a baby for:

Pre-delivery Cost?

Obstetrician's Fee?

Hospital Bill?




  1. not sure about the first two haven't asked yet, but for a normal labor and delivery at my hospital it cost around 14,550.00 (without insurance)

    EDIT: i paid a one time 15$ co-pay (im going to one of the best hospitals in the area, brand new) but i will have to see how much my insurance covers later on, as far as tests and ultrasounds along the way. also there are prenatals, depending where you buy them and if you have/use insurance can cost 10-20$ a month

  2. In Alberta Canada, if costs nothing, unless you want a private or semi private recovery room, then you are looking at 48 bucks for 2 days.  Its all the stuff they need that's exensive!

  3. without insurance it was roughly $2500, with insurance is was $300.  

  4. Not sure what a "pre delivery" cost is, but it varies depending on the type of insurance you have, if any, which doctor you go to, and what hospital you plan to deliver in. There are also other expenses if you choose to have a midwife, use a birthing center, etc. I have great insurance and my obgyn appointment copays are $135 a month (that includes my deductible, which hadn't been met at the time I got pregnant) x 9. My delivery costs (hospital bill) should round out to about $1200 but it will be more if I have a c-section.

  5. I haven't even had a baby yet, and I've already spent thousands of dollars on fertility treatments. I would say it's been around $4,000.00. It's worth it-if it all works out.

    I figured you could add that to your project :)

  6. I did not have insurance for my third child.  Here is what I had to pay out of pocket:  OB prenatal visits & delivery fee cost about $3000.    My c-section cost $4500 (that was for 3 days in hospital plus use of operation room and equipment, plus the baby's stay in the hospital).  (Hospital for vaginal delivery about $1500.)  The anesthesiologist cost $1000.  The assistant surgeon cost around $850 I think.  Then there was the cost for the pediatrician to visit the baby in the hospital and I can't remember what I got charged for that.  Couldn't have been more than $100 a visit (I was there for 3 days).  

    And all this had to be paid before I had the baby.  These are the discounted prices.  The hospital will charge you double if you don't pay upfront and don't have insurance.  You can call and OB, hospital, etc in your area for prices.

  7. Im a mom, I know this all depends on your specific needs, I understand you are looking for an exact amount but everyone experiences different costs, for example, every doctor charges differently, every hospital charges differently, a pregnant mother who has diabetes for example would need more(or altered) care as opposed to a pregnant mother with no ailments, you see.  Also take into consideration what state you live in.  Yes, the state in which you live may have different regulations regarding health care than others.  The kinds of delivery room you get can also be priced different.  My advice to you is to call your local county hospital and get a "quote" from them and the kind of rates they charge for hospital room/stay.  Then you would contact a doctor and get an idea from him/her.  Let them know you are doing research for school, if this is a paper to promote teenage abstinence/planned parenthood, Im sure they would be more than willing to help.  I am a very young mother, and while my baby girl is the entire world to me and I would die without her, I probably wasnt as ready as she deserved, but is any parent ever really "ready"?  Anyway, good luck!

  8. Alot more than you can imagine!!

  9. Not sure about the pre-delivery fee, but I was a scheduled c-section and went into labor before my appt.  The bill from the hospital included the stay for both of us, the surgery, the emergency admission and all the doctor visits while we were in.

    Thank god for insurance!!  Our bill was just over $27,000...and we only paid $100.  

  10. Depends on the type of delivery, complications, and insurance.

    Most women go to the doctor  monthly for 5 months starting at 12 weeks, then every two weeks for a month starting about 32 weeks, then weekly for the last month of pregnancy about 36 weeks.  These visits were covered with the total delivery fee with my insurance.  If you aren't covered they would be about $40-200 depending on time spent by the doctor and physician fees.  

    For a c section, with a 2 day hospital stay

    They billed $22,545.69 for the hospital, my insurance paid $6,763.34

    for the surgeon they billed $4000, and my insurance paid $2,455.32

    asst surgeon they billed $2350 and my insurance paid $239.48

    For the babies stay at the hospital they billed $2596.15 and were paid $1211.58

    If you have a boy there is an extra charge to have them circumcised if you want to do that.  

    I also paid for copays for vitamins.  You can price prenatal vitamins online or at your local grocery or drug store.  

    Depending on how far you want to go then there are also costs for maternity clothes which varies per person.

  11. IN my state for a baby boy to be circumsized it costs 400 dollars.

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