
How much does it cost to have your car painted?

by  |  earlier

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i got a car for my birthday, and it is silver.

i think it would look better black, so i was wondering how much it would cost to have it painted..

thanks --




  1. go get a 94' celica would cost me $1800 with repairs.

  2. it all depends on what car and what size ,also how bad is the body work ,is there much rust ?so realy its how long is apiece of string .

    good luck h

  3. if its old i would get it painted at maaco or place like that.....dont listen to pplz that tell you to do the 2000 paint jobs....those are good....but if you have a car thats old you really dont need it.....i got my 98 civic painted at maacos for 500 and its nice...have it for 5 months now and its still looks good....your car wont look like **** if you paint it for 500....but you should do the sanding and cover all the parts you dont want them to paint because maaco does c**p prep work....if you wanna spend 2Gz on a paint job then go ahead...but a good paint job a maacos would last you 2 years without the math...

  4. well, you could go to maaco and get the $500 special but it will look like dog S**t.  or you could spend $5000-$7000 and will look good.  How bad do you want your car to be black and good do you want it to look?

    **I guess the people below me like orange peal(if they even know what that is), unpainted door jams and over spray.  $500 does not get you a quality paint job.  You want to go from silver to black, expect huge amounts of prep work.  Its not like they just paint over the old paint, unless you pay $500**

  5. my family and i have had at least 6 paint jobs from MAACO, and unlike the one answer said NONE OF THEM LOOKED LIKE DOG c**p.   we're quite satisfied with there work.  just like any where you might go a lot depends on WHO the PAINTER IS.   it's true that if you change the color, you're going to pay more because of the door jams, trunk lid etc.

    right now we have a 1986 buick riv, a 1990 buick century, a 1993 pontiac grand and and just has a 1976 chevy monty carlo painted at MAACO.    all are being used at this time and all still look great for what we paid.  wait for their 1/2 price sale which is about $200.00 but expect to pay about $500.00 to $600.00 to get a good job.

    good luck to ya.

  6. 200 to 5000.

    changing colour is not easy since the door jambs and other interior parts will need to be painted as well if you want it to look right.

    get inside the car with the door open, look at all the areas visible that are now silver that need to be fixed.

    what about the fender wells and other areas.

    painting it a different colour will actually bring the value down.

    cheaper to trade for the colour you want.

    or add some strips or other costumization such as flames.

  7. There is no one standard rate.  Different shops will charge different prices.  There is also the question of what type of paint you want ( regular or metallic, with or without a clear coat finish ) and if any body work needs to be done at the same time.

    Go to some body shops around your area and let them give you a written quote.

  8. Black would be one of the more expensive colors to have it painted.  This is because black shows every little imperfection.  The bodywork has to be perfect for it to look right.  Also, changing colors is more expensive because the door jams, trunk, and under the hood needs to be painted so it will look right.

    Paint job prices can vary widely.  Anywhere from an Earl Scheib $350 paint job to one that costs several thousand dollars.

    With automotive paint, you get what you pay for.  If you go cheap you get cheap, and you won't be satisfied with the results.

    Also, the car body should be in reasonably good condition to start with.  If the body shop has to start replacing panels, the cost goes up.

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