
How much does it cost to install a solar powered roof on a small house?

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Im just thinking about saving big time in the future.




  1. Um, I didn't know that a roof required power?  Mine doesn't.  I guess my roof isn't cool.

    If you are talking about photocells...  unless your house is in an off-grid area and you can't have city power lines there, forget it.  It's not financially viable... yet.   Far from saving 'big time', The ROI (payback time) is more than 20 years, which is about the life expectancy of the system, so you will end up with nothing more than a warm fuzzy feeling that you helped the environment... and suffered a big pain-in-the-butt while doing so.

    However... solar hot water collectors are relatively inexpensive, and the ROI can be less than five years if you use a lot of hot water in your house.  It's proven technology, and it works very, very well.

    You're thinking along the right lines.. just do something that will really make a difference.

  2. It depends on machine and space. so, i think minimum its 30 thousand..

    best of luck

  3. It depends a lot about what you are doing with the electricity.  If you store it in batteries that will add up a lot.  I would say a small house it would cost about $40,000.00  Not all roofs are good for solar panels and it also depends on the climate, if you are where it snows you would be better off using wind turbines because you would always have snow on the panels stopping them from working.

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