
How much does it cost to run a router?

by  |  earlier

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My dad is driving me crazy with his penny pinching at the minute and is turning our wireless router off at every opportunity. So just how much does it cost approximately a month to run a router. Its a belkin one if thats any help




  1. The average wireless router is 3.4 watts per hour power consumption. Depending on where you live the national average price is .09 cents per kilowatt hour. So lets do a little math.

    3.4 * 24 hours = 81.6 watts in a 24 hr period.

    81.6 * 365 days = 29784 watt for a one year period running 24/7

    29784 / 1000 watts or 1 kWh = 29.78 * .09  =  2.68 for one year running 24/7 or

    2.68 / 365 = .007343 cents a day.

    Like I said it all depends on where you live and what one kilowatt hours cost you, call your local electric company for the amount per kWh.


    To get a more accurate cost, look at the power supply for you wireless router, specifically the amperage if it does not say watts. To calculate watts per hour from amps it is:

    amps   x   120 volts   =   watts so if it is 300mA it is .3 amps

    .3 X 120 volts = 36 Watts

    36 * 24 hours = 864 watts in a 24 hr period.

    864 * 365 days = 315360 watt for a one year period running 24/7

    315360 / 1000 watts or 1 kWh = 315.36 * .09 = 28.38 for one year running 24/7 or 28.38 / 365 = 7.8 cents a day.


    BTW people that say it is negligible probably don’t pay the electric bill in the house, Vampire electronics usually counts for 13% of your electric bill. These are charges, computers LCD TV’s anything that has a transformer that converts 120v ac to 5v, 3.5v or 12v DC that continually suck power whether they are on or not, connected to the device or not. The only way to stop the consumption is to unplug it.

    Hope this helps


  2. When not in use about as much as leaving a TV plugged in when on standby, or less. When in use just a bit more.

  3. It doesn't cost anything, except for the electricity it consumes. But that is a negligible amount.

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