
How much does it cost to send mail FROM mexico.?

by  |  earlier

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I need to mail a letter from Mexico to the US. How much does it cost?

How bout for a postcard?

Where can you buy stamps in Mexico?




  1. I used to send mail (though most of it was local) all the bloody time haha. It's pretty well known that mexican mail is slow sometimes, you might arrive home before your letter does.

    There's tons of post offices all over the main cities. I have one just 8 blocks from my house. Ask a local where an "Oficina de correos" is.

    For a light letter, a local letter costs about 50 US cents and to the US it will cost about 70 US cents. Letters to Europe cost twice as much and can take 14 days to arrive based on official standards.

  2. The ONLY place to buy stamps is at the local post office.  Anything you send to the U.S. should be sent "registrado"...has a better chance of getting there.  Costa about $3.00USD and takes 3 to 5 weeks unless you are in a tourist town.  You would probably get home before your postcard got there.  If you are at a resort...ask at the desk, they may be able to help you...but my experience here is that stamps are closely controlled by the post office.

  3. How anyone could live in Mexico and not have mailed anything be such an athourity on the subject is a mystery to me "Brock"

    Incompetent --You f#$%%^ postal employes are off the f%^^^&&& wall last time I checked.

    Stores do get stamps and sell them in stores for a small profit.

    A post card arrives in Canada and the U.S IN 5--10 DAYS and a few days more to rural England.

    Cost is by weight at I dont have the chart but fairly expensive last time I checked $2.00 usd for a post card.

    Post offices are not all over the place, there is only one in each resort "oficina de correo"

    Bags of mail here are sorted buy country and sent out to their respective destinations by air.

    What happens to them after some crazed F@#$%^&

    U.S postal employee gets their hands on it is a guess.


  4. I'm sure it doesn't cost that much for just a letter. There are Post Offices all over the place down there. Check the Mexican Post Office Website, I'm sure you can find locations there:

    I lived in Mexico for a very long time but I never mailed anything. The problem is that their postal system is WAY incompetent and if you plan on sending a letter or a package or anything like that to the states, be prepared for it to take at least a month to get there... and maybe not at all.

    I have mailed letters from the states to Mexico and it would usually take several weeks to get to its destination if at all. If you have to mail anything important or of any value FROM Mexico I would go UPS or FedEx or something of the like (Cost is around $40 Dollars).

    If mailing TO Mexico you can just use priority mail which is about $7.50.

    Good Luck!

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