
How much does it cost to store eggs and how do they get fertilized in the future?

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I know insurance doesn't cover for fertility issues. I am getting older and still single so I want to store some of my eggs to use in the future. How much would that cost to do and where would I go to get it done? How would they get fertilized in the future?




  1. where are you? i am in australia and it costs $400.00 to freeze eggs

    you need to get this done at a fertility clinic not just at your normal doctor. when you are ready to use them they are thawed out and fertilized with the sperm (when you have some ready) at my clinic the success rate is a little less not alot when using frozen samples

    it is worth doing if you are not ready yet ttc

    goodluck to you  

  2. You would need to contact a fertility clinic - I believe the cost would be in the ballpark of $10,000.

    You would go through an IVF cycle - all of the meds and monitoring used to cause your body to produce multiple eggs.  In your normal cycle, you probably produce 1 egg but they wil be stimulating your cycle to try to produce about a dozen eggs.  They will then harvest the eggs in a process called "egg retrieval" - you will basically be under anesthesia and they will use a hollow point needle to retrieve the eggs.  The eggs will then be frozen at a cryo-bank.

    When you are ready to use them, they will be defrosted, fertilized with a s***n sample and transferred back into your uterus.

    Like the previous poster mentioned - there are no guarantees.  Anything could happen, they might not retrieve very many eggs, the eggs may not survive freezing or fertilization and even if you got through all this . . . the embryo may not implant leading to a successful pregnancy.

    Hope this info helps!

  3. the thing is- there's no guarantee that they'd be good in the future...

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