
How much does it cost to travel by train in vietnam?

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I want to travel from Ho Chi Minh City(Saigon) to Nha Trang, how much does it cost to take the train? Also, how many days in advance would I need to buy the ticket.




  1. I was there last fall. Air Vietnam will cost you about $90 one-way, the flight is about 45 minutes.  Train cost about $10-$15 one-way with AC, but it will take you about 10 hours from Saigon to Nha-Trang. You will enjoy it, I did.

  2. train? to vietnam?

  3. most times you must by the ticket at the train station the day before, get a sleeper car for under $20, or a hard chair for less than $10. there are three levels in most sleepers , the high level is cheapest the low level in the most expensive, you can also get a soft sleeper w/ ac... i preffer the hard sleeper cause i like the open windows.  the plane is only $45 [ one way] plus a three dollar bus ride from the air port. but you can leave sai gon at 9am and be at the beach swimming in nha trang before noon. the train is like 12hrs[ take the over night] ps in nha trang stay at the dong phuong hotel on nguyen thien thuat street[ you can thank me later!]

  4. It costs about 200 VND if you take tour train from SG to NT. You need not to pay advance. You can buy it on the day you go.

  5. E-Ticket Agent contact info:

    Sai-Gon station

    Address:   No 01 Nguyen Thong street -

               District 3 - Ho Chi Minh City


    Phone number:   +84.8.8436524 +84..8.8436528

    Fax number:     +84.8.8436524

    Train:           SN1

    Line:            Nha Trang - TP Ho Chi Minh

    From Station:    Nha Trang

    Departure Time:  17:45

    To Station:      Sai Gon

    Arrival Time:    04:19

    Distance (Km):   411

    Running Mode:    Daily


    Price Unit:               1000 VND

    Long Seat:                -

    Hard Seat:                117

    Soft Seat:                129

    Soft Seat in Double Deck: -

    Air-Con Soft Seat:        141

    Hard Berth, Level 1, In 2-Berth Compartment: -

    Hard Berth, Level 2, In 2-Berth Compartment: -

    Hard Berth, Level 1 In 4-Berth Compartment:  -

    Hard Berth, Level 2 In 4-Berth Compartment:  -

    Hard Berth, Level 1 In 6-Berth Compartment:  189

    Hard Berth, Level 2 In 6-Berth Compartment:  173

    Hard Berth, Level 3 In 6-Berth Compartment:  150

    Soft Berth, Level 1 In 2-Berth Compartment:  -

    Soft Berth, Level 2 In 2-Berth Compartment:  -

    Air-Con Hard Berth, Level 1 In 6-Berth Compartment: 208

    Air-Con Hard Berth, Level 2 In 6-Berth Compartment: 190

    Air-Con Hard Berth, Level 3 In 6-Berth Compartment: 165

    Air-Con Soft Berth, Level 1 In 4-Berth Compartment: 233

    Air-Con Soft Berth, Level 2 In 4-Berth Compartment: 228

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