
How much does it cost with everything including gear to get your scuba license?

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How much does it cost with everything including gear to get your scuba license?




  1. If ur on budjet, try getting certified in thailand or malaysia. its alot cheaper...and theres lots to see

  2. It depends where you are.

    In the US, you should be able to get your PADI Open Water for around $350-$400. Though you may need to buy some equipment as the course progresses.

    In the tropics (I live in Thailand), we charge around $225 and supply all the gear and accomodation.

    Because people are on holiday here, the course only takes 4 days. At home it may take several weeks, depending on what spare time you have.

  3. Well you could try a try dive organised by your local dive centre cost about £20.00 The open water dive course run by PADI will set you back about £340.00 all equipment included and once you pass you can hire all the equipment anyway.

    You might want to buy your own fins £30.00, mask and snorkel £40.

    Do not worry about having to pay out loads of money for equipment, your dive centre will guide you and not push you to buy everything all at once. Take your time and enjoy the sport, as you grow in the sport you will get to know what type of gear you will need and buy what is good for you.

    DO NOT buy regulators from any auction site, no matter how good the deal seems, that is your breathing source and you have to be happy with it from day one

  4. When I was certified 3 years ago in Michigan, I paid about $3300 for everything. This included my class (SSI), books, open water test-out, and all the equipment (BC, wetsuit, air delivery system, tank, mask, fins, computer, etc). I bought it all as a package, but upgraded some items.

    Typically, the class will run $300-350. This will include class time, books, and the open water. Your personal equipment and the minimal you must buy (mask, fins, snorkel, and boots) will run about $200. If you need to rent equipment for your open water check out dives, expect to spend about $100. Total everything equals about $500ish.

    When you talk to the dive shop, make sure you have the prices for everything. Some shops are sneaky and don't list all the costs upfront. They may say it only costs $150, but fail to mention costs for equipment rentals, books, open water check out, etc.

    Best thing you can do is shop around.

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