
How much does it really pay if u are a?

by  |  earlier

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pizza delivery driver. With tips included?




  1. a bit above minimum and the tip depends on how much ur wearing...


  2. i recomend it

    i win about 500 a week

  3. Usually a little over minimum wage, plus tips. I've heard you can make a pretty good living at it.

    Why is this in the insurance section? lol

  4. not enough to support yourself on.

  5. good money

  6. It all depends on where you live. KS is probably lowest, while CA is probably highest.

  7. you aint you gonna get that many tips.

    i would know.

    cuz i NEVER tip them guys.

    probably around 7-8 dollars an hour.

    nothing more nothing less

  8. You can make $100 a night during football season.

    But your personal auto policy PROBABLY won't cover you while you're delivering pizzas.

  9. well idk with tips included but just alone on average its about $7

  10. With the current gas prices.... the pay just went DOWN!

    When I was doing this (a zillion years ago) gas was only .98/gallon!  so tips were pure profit!

    I hope you live in a very small town, so each delivery is close to the next....and people have started tipping more to cover gas costs.

    I used to get home with $50-100/night in tips (great for a teenagers spending $ on weekends)

    It's usually min wage + tips... so check depends on min wage in your area

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