
How much does it usually COST to TRADE a used car for a different used car?

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estimate cost?




  1. >>  usually COST to TRADE a used car for a different used car?

    You have fundamental misunderstanding of how trade in works.

    That all depends on the value of the current car and the value of the next car.  Think about it.

    If your current car is a Ferrari all paid off and you trade it in for a Civic, you will get some money back (hopefully - if you don't get cheated).

    But if your current car is a junker (no value) and looking to trade it in for ANY new car, it is like you are NOT trading ANYTHING in at all.


    Just think about it.  It will sink in (hopefully).

    good Luck....

  2. It all depends on the condition of the trade-in.  and the price of the other used car. But make sure you convince the dealer that you really don't want to trade in your "REALLY RELIABLE" used car. Don't let the dealer think that you don't know what your doing. Make sure that you talk really good about your old trade-in,  You should get a good deal on the other car if this is done right.  And always clean your old used car up really good,  Better than you've ever cleaned it  before.

  3. It's an impossible question to answer unless one knows how much the new (used) car will cost, and how much your car is worth. Your cost will be the difference plus tax and license.

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