
How much does it usually cost (exam, anesthesia ext. included) to get an Aural hematoma fixed for a dog?

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My dog got an ear infection, and I didn't see her scratching at it until she had damaged her ear. She has a hematoma (the ear flap swells from fluid in it). I'm treating her for her infection now, but the vet recommended surgery for the ear flap, and he said it would cost a total of $500 dollars. IS this about normal, or should I call around and see if another vet is cheaper? What range should I be looking for?




  1. That's probably gonna be one of your best bets.  Avoid uber new fancy places.  They always charge like $300 more at least.  You could call around....see what ya get!!  Petsmart has this new program called "banfield" its basically a vet office inside of petsmart, and they have plans where you pay a certain amount a month (cheapest is $15 montly), but idk if that would be included.  

  2. that depends on the area you live in, work at a vet only about $300. its not a difficult surgery at all and it's quick. lots of follow up and after care

  3. I work as a vet tech and our clinic charges about $300 for everything together.  Where you are will make a lot of difference though.  Right now a dog spay costs about $250 at our clinic in Wisconsin and the last place I lived (a tiny farming town in the middle of nowhere in Missouri) I got my dog spayed for $55.  Call around, but if you absolutely cannot afford it, ask your vet if they are willing to try another solution.  It may sound weird, but we recently had a client stop in and tell us about it.

    She was traveling with her dog and stopped at a different vet.  They fixed it pretty cheap, but unfortunately, the other ear went as well.  She asked us to do what they had done.  The first ear was only about 2 weeks out, but so far seemed to be doing beautifully.  That was a week ago and so far, the dog hasn't come back to have either repaired so I assume it is working well.

    Take a 3-way stop c**k and put an 18 Gage needle on one end.  Attach a large syringe on one of the other outlets.  Poke the ear and use the syringe to drain it.  Once empty, inject (via the stop-c**k) 1 cc of Baytril and 1 cc of Depo Medrol.  You have to use the stop c**k so you can leave the needle in place.  Once the ear is emptied out, it will be very hard to get the needle in the space to inject.  

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