
How much does lasik eye surgery cost in Bogota, Colombia?

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How much does lasik eye surgery cost in Bogota, Colombia?




  1. Depending on the condition of your eyes the procedure will run you  $875USD to $1200USD for both eyes at a reputable clinic.

    Avoid the CAFAM clinics at all costs! They have quickly expanded to a chain COSTCO-style operation and several Colombians and ex-pats I have met warned me of revolving door treatment.  Come on, they even have a branch in the MALL!

    There are several famous clinics in Bogota for RK, LASIK and corneal crosslinking.  Dr. Antonio Luis Ruiz, a legend in his own right for his advancements in LASIK, still operates and practices at the Centro Oftalmologico Colombiano at Carrera 19a No. 85-11. PBX 2360000  Ask around but this is probably still the best balance of affordability and quality in town.

  2. Most of the CAFAM places offer it. Optica Aleman also. The cost is around $1000.00 USD. I would also check with Clinica Barraquer on Calle 100. Very famous eye clinic that has been there since the 60s.

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