
How much does living in a negative environment play into ones own negativity ?

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How much does living in a negative environment play into ones own negativity ?




  1. Some people are immune, but most are effected.

    It drags most people down, and negativity seeps in to them. Then they carry it with them.

  2. It generates a self image that can't experience success.  Our psyches require the positive reinforcement given to us as praise, acknowledgment, and hugs.  Negativity is actually the indicator of rationalization, for a weak ego.  You must believe in yourself.  You can either be a victim, or a survivor.  Look at the opportunity available to you by the dynamics occurring on our planet.  Try praising those who are negative.  Acknowledge their successes.  You don't have to over do it, just be honest.  The more positive  you act, the more positive you will become.

  3. negativity bring down everyone around it...squashes the mood...kills the buzz...  :[

  4. I think it brings a lot of people down....but some peopl e can over come it.

  5. It may not play into your own negativity at all. Not always does a person living in a negative environment, turn out negative. I agree it doesn't help the chances of many people developing a positive attitude.

    It's been known that some people can come from a negative environment but won't turn out negative. Sometimes they turn out to be very positive people.

    I suppose they're just gifted and have a wonderful inner soul. They see things in a positive light regardless of their surroundings, and they make up their minds to be positive.

    So sometimes the outcome of negativity isn't always  negative!

  6. TONS.

    If there's one thing I know, it is this.

    Naturally, we are the product of our environment...usually if those around us are mean, we will become defensive people...if those around us compliment us, we will compliment others.  

    While I myself am a very positive person, I have lived in some environments which have turned me into a less than friendly person...this is because what is inside us comes out of us....if peace is in us (resulting from a positive env.) then it comes out of us....if hate is in us (negative env.) then this comes out of us.  

    hope this helps...

  7. A whole lot, I think.

  8. It slowly installs negative views in a persons mind.Humans are creatures of habit and of mimicry.Put a nice person in a very cruel environment and watch what happens.After time they ll ether become very depressed or mimic the ways of there surroundings,Ive seen it happen.There was this innocent kid who moved in to my neighborhood when i was younger,he interacted with the wrong crowd,and now he has been in trouble with the law to many times,and does drugs.So the answer wud be alot,if not subliminally,mentally,or fiscally it still has some effect.

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