
How much does mason musso weigh?

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  1. Guest44879

     Mason Musso is the love of my life... and yes he is a little overweight but i like guys with cuddle meat! so f**k all of y'all who are hating on him! y'alls just jealous cuz hes a h**l of a lot hotter than any of you douchecanoes!

  2. f**k off mason is perfect and  it is none of your busines so all of you he is perfect and i bet you even haven't seen an fat person

  3. You people who say mean things about Mason are all JERKS!!!! Why the flip does it matter how much Mason weighs? He's gorgeous no matter how much he weighs! For all you haters go take one heck of a good look at yourself in the mirror and judge YOURSELF. Mason is beautiful and you're ugly for judging him!!!

  4. he weighs 197 i think but hes still cute even though i would be a stick to him cuz i weigh 98 pounds and im 14 lol
    loves you mason

  5. Just saying maso is not a f*****g fat a*s you guys r fraking hater
    luv u mason
    he's sooooooooooooo s**y

  6. You people are SO rude! It's none of your business how much Mason weighs, and it's now of your business to tell him to go on a diet!! He's not fat, don't even say that. At least he's not anorexic or starving or anything like that! I love you Mason <3

  7. He weighs less than half of your mother's left a*s cheek :). Mason is the hottest person ever, He's not fat what-so-ever. He's pefect compared 2 your ugly, pathetic, sick, hurl worthy, face. YAY MASON MUSSO! <3

  8. 80-90..and that's normal 4 one of his age
    and he isn't fat!!
    dudes i guess u haven't seen really fat people!!
    and i warn you that if you'll say at least one world on that Mason is ugly, i'll come to America and i'll kill you!!!  -.-
    if you don't even know him so why you have to tell these fckn lies bout someone so cute and nice like him?! =\

  9. he is supper cute and i love his band and he i a little over weigh

  10. SHUT UP! NO HE IS NOT AND HE IS REALLLLLLLLLLLLY* HOTTTTTTT! and on wiki answers they sed he wuz like 70 ibs but there just a bunch of liars


  11. he is NOT freaking fat!!!!!!!!! just because someone is alittle over wieght,does NOT mean they are fat!! f.y.i.-he's fn hot!

  12. He is not f*****g 165lbs. and he is really cute and not a fat a*s!!

  13. mason is gorgeous,taleted,hot and funny. the haters are just jealous and if they don't like him then y bother writing comments about him and just wasing ur energy y not save the energy 2 write possative things about the stuff u like. i luv mason.

  14. f**k all you.
    he is sooo Cute.
    Skinny Guys are UGLY!!
    they got no musle.
    i love his body.

  15. um? MIND UR OWN d**n BUSINESS! IT DOSENT MATTER HOW MUCH HE WAYS, DONT EVER CALL SOM1 U DONT KNO A FATT a*s, UR UGLY a*s IS PROBLY FATT AND ALONE, PATHETIC LOSER. mason musso is d**n s**y and perfect the way he is, dont ever change :)

  16. I Agreeeee!!!

    Work Out Mason Musso!!!!

    And Go On A Diet You Fat Asss !!!!!!
    Stop Wearing T-shirts!!!!!!
    You Hobo!!!!!!!!!!

  17. 165 LBS.!!!! HE IS A FAT a*s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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