
How much does one of those octopuses cost? I heard Detroit has the highest unemployment rate in the country.?

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How much does one of those octopuses cost? I heard Detroit has the highest unemployment rate in the country.?




  1. People in Detroit steal them in their off time when they're not standing in unemployment lines.

  2. Puck me... you forgot about driving off in our pimped out hoopty after shooting the owners and burning down their business.

  3. We go and rob the seafood stores, shoot the owners and burn their store down. Any other stereotypes you care to cover?

  4. Q1) It depends on where you get the octopus from.  My personal favorite is Andiamos restaurant because they boil them first and they're easier to handle.

    Q2) Yes, Detroit has the highest unemployment rate because we're known as the Motor City, and with the drop in automobile manufacturing, many people were laid off from there jobs.  The national unemployment rate is around 4% but Michigan is around 7%, which still isn't bad but needs to be addressed.

  5. In Michigan we have bottles and cans worth a dime a piece when you return them to the party store. So with all the unemployment we have, we are sitting around watching the Red Wings and the Pistons win, and watching the Tigers choke (we won't go there with the Lion's, you're a fool to waste time watching them!).  So after all these beers we drink, because we don't work, we collect bottles and save our dimes (It all adds up) and we buy Octopi in bulk, for  a better deal!  And we eat Better Made potato chips, cuz there good and cheap!  LET'S GO RED WINGS!!!

  6. They are easy enough to get with food stamps; why do you think Detroit throws them on the ice?

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