
How much does preschool tend to cost?

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I live in California and my son turned 3 on March 18th. I know preschool would be really good for him but we can't afford to pay a lot. Does anyone know how much preschool tends to cost.

My husband tends to make to much money to get assistant and not enough to afford luxury's so to speak.

Please let me know how much you pay for preschool and where your from.





  1. i live in jersey and i know since i live in a town that has abbott district schools preschool is free

  2. look online

  3. I work at a preschool in san diego. It depends on how many days a week you want him to go it is about 650 a month i believe for 5 days a week and decrease about $75  for every day deducted.

  4. I own a private preschool in Ohio - three year olds come two days a week for a half day - they pay $70 a month. four and five year olds come three days a week for a half day and they pay $95. there is also a $25  registration fee, parents provide the snack and bring school supplies.

  5. I am from Union County, New Jersey. I have visited over 18 Daycare/Preschools in the area. The average cost for a child of 3 yr.old and non-potty-trained is $650.00 for 3 days and $850.00 or more for 5 days of service. Some centers would supply lunch and snacks. Other centers required you supply your own food/drink/snacks. My son will be starting preschool in September 08, thank goodness for the Abbot program.

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