
How much does rawchicken cost?

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how much does raw chicken cost?

like the strips uncooked and such.

please tell me !

im planning a small get together with my colleges tomorrow!!!

and i want to surprise them with fried chicken and french fries!


im on a budget and the Mr. doesnt like me spending alot of money on poultry. Its good it is good!

HOW MUCH are just the strips if i wanted say....15 or 18?




  1. It will cost you just as much to buy uncooked chicken from a franchise (like KFC) than cooked product.

    You can buy a chicken from the supermarket for four bucks, last I looked. Find a fried chicken recipe you like (try Alton Brown's on web site... search for it). You'll need, at the very least, oil (peanut or canola), chicken, flour, salt and pepper, and probably some eggs and milk to moisten. As for french fries, that depends. Three or four bucks for a big bag.

    By the way, if you are just buying chicken breast tenders, they're about $4 a pound (because it is just white meat). You know, you might try buying a whole chicken and the tenders. You bread the package of tenders AND the chicken's b*****s, thighs, drumsticks, and wings.

    WARNING: When working with raw chicken be sure to use a separate cutting board for the chicken and separate knives and utensils. This prevents something called cross-contamination. Chicken can have salmonella. Not a pleasant way to make one's day.

    If you are NOT familiar with cooking poultry (yes, chicken is poultry) you are much better off buying a bucket or two from KFC.

  2. A Whole Raw Chicken Would Cost Like $15.00

    Strips And Chicken Breats Would Cost Like $7.00 to $10.00

    R E D H E A D ♥

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