
How much does registered nursing school cost per semester ?

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my wife just grduated with a surgical technologst degree how much more schooling does she need to become a registered nurse and how much will it cost per semester......(roughly)




  1. It all depends on the school she chooses...

    My recommendation...go for an Associates program (takes about 2 years, maybe a little more), get a job somewhere, and then if she wants her BSN most employers will pay for it.

    I have my BSN and am now $50k in debt. I am totally happy I have my BSN as this was my goal, but for anyone getting into it I would definitely recommend the ADN program (will probably run under 10k for her total degree)...

    Good luck!

  2. there is no way to answer that. each school is different.

    Check out what school she is interested in and find out what they charge per semester.

    A surg tech "degree" has nothing to do with nursing. She would have to start from the beginning in nursing school with maybe even some additional undergrad classes also.

    Ive been out of nursing school for 6 1/2 yrs now and am still paying off about $12,000. I paid well over $30,000.

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