
How much does renting a flat in spain cost?

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i'm an english teacher looking to work in spain and have heard that the prices of rents are fairly expensive. i am particularly interested in the city of san sebastian but any other info would be great. since i don't live there yet to know what money is worth there, the most useful way would be if you could tell me the price of a decent (but not lavish) downtown flat for a month in relation to an avarege monthly salary. e.g. my current flat costs about a third of a normal language teacher's salary. thanks.




  1. First of all, Donostia-San Sebastian is one of the most expensive city, with Girona, Lleida, Madrid or Barcelona. In Barcelona, for example, people usually rent a flat with other people, because rent one flat for one person could be between 500€ and 1000€. If you share, you will pay between 150€ and 300€ (don't pay more than 300€ if you are not interested in luxurious places).

    Minimum salary in Spain is 500€, more or less, but if you are a teacher you can earn, at lest, between 700€ and 1500€.

    I also recommend you Donostia-San Sebastian, although they speak Basque and Spanish, because is one of the prettiest cities I've ever meet. People are gently and helpful and you will notice they live well. Check the website below to see how much will cost a shared-flat in Donostia-San Sebastian.

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