
How much does sexual promiscuity have to do with bi-polar disorder?

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I'm looking for real-life experiences here. On the net I can finds loads of clinical information, but I like to hear from a personal level.

Have people with bi-polar disorder seen a change (increase specifically) in sexual behavior?

Has treatment (lithium, antidepressants, etc...) helped?




  1. Many bipolars do experience periods of hypersexuality (some report a lack of interest in s*x), that does not mean they are all promiscuous.  

    Of those who are, it is usually accompanied with a decrease in ability to use good judgement.   The results of which, besides the obvious (STD, pregnacy) can include considerable social and personal difficulties (gossip, embarrassment, shame, even being arrested in some circumstances).  Men may start cruising areas known for prostitution.  Women may cruise bars and go home with one or more men.  Some (men and women) may make inappropriate advaces to friends, family, coworkers, strangers, or children.

    All the more reason to take your medications.

  2. I have bipolar but I don't consider myself promiscuous at all. However, I can see how there is a link. When I'm hypo-manic I feel a lot more confident and I definitely flirt a lot more. But once a situation starts to escalate to anything serious I never go through with it and tell the person I don't want to have s*x

    Medication can kill your s*x drive, especially anti-depressants.  

  3. I was first diagnosed with bipolar when I was 13, by that time I had already had numerous sexual experiences and was very "S****y".  

    Throughout my adult years, when I am not medicated find that I have increased times of sexual behaviour.  In my support group we have a joke "Hi there - I'm bipolar, wanna make out?" as it is a running theme for all of us.

    Medication has helped immensely, but sometimes is decreases your s*x drive to almost nothing (which is frustrating as well).  Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a happy medium sometimes.

    Hope this helps!

  4. You can try to sit down, and concentrate on what you are thinking.  You are aware that Bipolar has this effect of being sexually promiscuous.  Get yourself out or any place that you might find that it is possible to become a little out of control.  If there is nobody around to have s*x with then you are safe for at least the time being.  I have found that medications control that symptom of my Rapid cycle Bipolar. But I've experienced a great deal of "issues" which I regret. One thing that's going to make it harder to deal with our bipolar is that we regret things we have done.  Bipolar people are smart people and we can usually recognize a behavior a head of time and stop it.  But that sort of control takes years of practice.  So start now.  I will be thinking about you.

    Best Wishes Truly,


  5. Actually, it may possibly have a lot to do with it.  Bi polar disorder can cause you to do things without thinking about the outcome.  Some times sexual promiscuity is also a sign of low self esteem and makes you feel special.  You can probably get a more straight answer by talking to your Dr about your problem.

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