
How much does stuff cost in Jamaica? I've found tonnes of currency converters but what can you get with $20US?

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How much does stuff cost in Jamaica? I've found tonnes of currency converters but what can you get with $20US?




  1. well i went there 2 years ago a nd the currency was 67.50= 1 us dollar

    but im sure it went up past 70

  2. 20us * 71 thats 1420jmd

    with that you can buy something at KFC burger king.

    a cab ride

    add 21dollars to that and you can pay the rcon fee if your lights get cut off.

  3. US$20 will get you 2 1/2 burger king meals.

    That is, two regular combos plus one kids combo.

  4. This depends on where you stay and what you spend it on. I have found in my travels to JA that the prices are pretty much the same as the US. Rural areas are much cheaper than touristy places as they are anywhere. Right now they rate is about 1 US dollar equals $75 jamaican dollars. You can go to a bar and a beer will cost about $150j. Here in the US it's about $2. It all evens out. Eat at local resturants and you'll get more for your money.

  5. Don't think that because you get MORE jamaican dollars for a single US dollar that it doesn't. One jamaican dollar is like a nickle. And remember EVERYTHING is shipped in, the shipper makes money, the government makes money, transport to retailer makes money, & retailer makes money. By the time YOU buy it, it costs twice what it cost in the in point: A DVD player can be bought in the states for $25, in Jamaica the SAME one will sell at $50-$75.

    Only things cheap there is the natural foods & taxis....

  6. 50 minutes of call time back home

    a meal at a restaurant

    a tee shirt

    not much, really...

  7. The  rate is $70-1 at the moment. I live there and like someone said it depends where you go! Remember if your brazen like me you'll barter but try and compare things to things back home, some will be dearer some cheaper. You can get all kinds if you shop around and I don't mean bargain scrounging! You could get a pair of jeans,shoes, handbags etc all kinds.

    2 meals at burger king true with change and probably a 9 pc bucket at kfc! If you came with $500us for 2weeks you'd have more than enough spending money!

    A good place to change money is in CAMBIO they give you a better rate than banks/hotels.

    Communities are cheaper though coz there local. HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!

  8. 2 six packs of Red Stripe beer, and 1 home rolled smoke....

  9. I've been to Jamaica several times, and I've found most of their things to be reasonably priced.  Depends on what you're looking for.  Every single purchase I made there, I bartered with the person, too.  If they were too high, I'd offer them so much less and then walk away if they said no.  9 out of 10 times I got what I wanted for a cheaper price than their asking price.  You have to dicker with them on everything.  It was interesting.

  10. if u go to carbys in twin gates you can get some dominoes or some other great souvinier stuff but not much really.

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