
How much does vicodin cost the US per year? the world?

by  |  earlier

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doing a research project for summer school, and all the googling in the world won't answer my question.

Already noted the street prices.




  1. Not sure where you'd find the numbers, but here are my suggestions for your equation.

    On the minus side addiction and all of it's collateral damage;

    1) Drug treatment programs

    2) Law enforcement on the legal and the illegal use side. The DEA has to keep track of all the manufacture, sale, storage and prescription of it as a controlled substance.

    3) Prosecution of suppliers and abusers

    4) Lost work hours from abusers calling in sick, or underperforming at work.

    On the plus side;

    1) Hours of productivity saved by people with chronic pain being able to work--yes, there are lots of people who will take some Vicodin and go to work.

    2) Licensing fees paid by pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies, hospitals and doctors for the rights to produce distribute and prescribe it.

    3) Legitimate jobs created for all the processes involved in #2.

    4) The unquantifiable, but very real benefit of all the pain it eases.

    I hope this helps a little.

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