
How much does wildfire smoke contribute to 'Global Warming'?

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With all the lightning caused wildfires in Northern California recently, the question is: How much is the particulate matter and greenhouse emmisions contributing to 'Global Warming'? And how do we hold Republicans responsible for it?




  1. Republican give into the environmentalist tree hugger`s. Log it or Burn it!

  2. Don't blame it on wildfires, blame it on the HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). They are the ones messing up the atmosphere.

  3. Its intresting that even  from a sarcasm can emerge a bright idea.   What your seeing is natures axis collapse upon itslelf.  More carbon emissions begets more carbon emissions.  Such is the delicate state of nature.  Its obvious we were not ment to overbreed in the planet.  Mass containment unit variable alongside technology increases in a very unbalance formula.

  4. Why would you hold republicans responsible? Get a life!! You must be a democrat, blaming others. Not taking responsiblity for your own actions.  Global warming? You are brainwashed. Thank for yourself and quit letting these politicans bury information in that small brain of yours.

  5. If U must blame someone try your self..

  6. Not a great deal at all, in terms of contribution to global warming. I believe that we have only scratched the surface with this issue, the major effects of global warming will only really take hold when the inevitable feedback mechanisms - premafrost methane release, melting of the ice caps etc., collapse of the amazon rainforest etc. have started. Volcanoes and wildfires are a drop in the ocean compared with burning coal for the past 100 years or so.

    Civilisation as we know it is a timebomb, and the fuse has long been been lit. The governments are only concerned with short term economic growth (''the oil price is too high, I know let's pump more oil to bring the price down')

    We will burn fossil fuels until we run out and there is no more to extract. period. Renewable energy policy will only delay the inevitable global warming, and we are 30 years too late anyway. We should all be driving electric cars and all have solar panels fitted NOW, not starting to develop the technology now!

    If we had started to reduce our dependency on oil in the 1970's, then maybe mankind would have stood a chance.

  7. Forest fires can dramatically affect greenhouse gas emissions. In a year when many fires are burning, the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere can virtually equal the level emitted by industrial operations. This can affect whether the country or state in a given year is considered a carbon sink (a repository of carbon) or a carbon source (when carbon escapes into the atmosphere, it helps to create greenhouse gases and speed subsequent global warming).

    As for how to blame the republicans, well, that's up to you.

  8. greenhouse gasses and particulate matter contribute a great deal to global warming. however, they also contribute to another phenomena called 'global cooling'. these same gasses which trap heat in the atmosphere also prevent energy from ever entering the atmosphere. to a large extent, global warming and global cooling cancel each other out. the biggest problem with burning greenhouse gasses is that it is slowly changing the entire composition of the atmosphere, which will have unknown ramifications. we can blame the republicans simply because they ignore the entire issue, and therefore make it impossible to find and execute a solution.

  9. I personally think that the EPA  ought to file a law-suite against CA and everyone who lives there.  If a power plant released even a fraction of the filth these people have, and yes its there fault, but not allowing the natural burning cycles for the past 60 years in there liberal stupidity.

    I think every single person ought to be fined at least 1 years wages.  if they don't work, but suck off welfare, then let them starve for one full year.  Those who can not pay, ought to be put on the lines fighting this mess.

  10. Barrack H. Obama is offering us HOPE that not a single forest fire shall ever burn again.

    Barrack H. Obama has PROMISED to tax those responsible for forest fires so that those who have not started forest fires will finally have money enough to purchase the means to start their own fires.

    Barrack H. Obama said he will not stand idly by and watch only those that have, destroy this country.

    Barrack H. Obama will ensure that every man, woman and child will have the power to destroy this country regardless of gender, race, country of origin or religion.

  11. environmentals seem to prefer to let forests burn, rather than allow any harvesting. In the northwest, we used to have a timber industry, but now it mostly goes up in smoke. this is a useful analogy of their plan for our economy:  allow no production, better to have devastation, than allow uneducated people to make a living.

  12. Probably alot but you should not try to stop the fire. Many plants and trees that have lived for centuries would die. Their seeds depend on the fire. It is completely natural and if we contanded them to much, we would loss an ecosystem. Instead od worrying about the fire, worry about how gas, poverty, greed, etc. play into global warming. I bet the number of fires have rose in the past few years though, we should lower the number of fires, but not blame them! Just like in New Orleans, poeple living in a danger zone. People wouldn't have to move if they love the place, but things are bound to happen and it's their risk.

  13. Funny.  Liberals found a way to blame President Bush for a hurricane, surely they can find a way to blame him for a forest fire.  Hey, there are some things around the house that I don't like, there must be a way to blame him for that, too.

    On the subject of forest fires causing global warming, the answer will be no, because there is no way to squeeze money out of a forest fire.  It has to be the fault of companies that hire people who support families.  Because with the government's help, warmers can extort money from them.

    In fact, the smoke particles block sunlight, thus mitigating global warming.  So warmers cannot acknowledge the fires, until they switch back to the global cooling story.

  14. I saw that dastardly Bush running through the hills with matches!  Honest!

  15. ***Koolaide guy crashes through wall*** Oh yeaaaaaaaah!

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