
How much does your auto insurance go up after you get a speeding ticket?

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i got one going 80 in a 55. dont get all high and mighty on me. i was being a dumbass and we know im paying for it now. also i live in MA and im 18 driving for less then a year




  1. I don't know about MA but in FLA you can elect to pay the ticket and then have the points withheld from your record by attending a drivers safety program... it's the points you get that makes the insurance go up in this state. Call your local courthouse they should have info.

  2. It won't go up if it's your first ticket.  Not unless you get stuck with a wreckless driving charge or something similar.

  3. It will go up maybe 10-20% but only for 1-3 years.  You may have to go to a high risk policy because of your age though.

  4. You should take a defensive driving course to avoid having this citation raise your insurance cost. Being such a young driver this violation does not look good for the insurance company and it suggests that you are much higher risk and you can expect insurace to go up considerably

  5. If you're worried about paying too much on auto insurance, try using to compare car insurance rates for all the major providers in your area.

  6. You got caught for doing 80 in a 55...well 25mph over the speed limit is what most states would classify as a serious violation. Dunno how it is in MA, but your 18 years old and you got a speeding ticket for doing 25 expect to see at least a 20-25% increase in your premium.

  7. Actually, you're not paying for it very much at all- you didn't kill or injure yourself or someone else.  We can all be grateful that the police officer stopped you.

    Your insurance may or may not go up depending on your insurance company.  Some check your records on a regular basis while others hardly ever do.  My advice: do not make any changes to your insurance for the next two years; that's how long points stay on our licenses in Michigan at least.  If you're thinking about buying a new vehicle you might want to wait.

    As far as your driving and age are concerned, I'm not as bothered by people who drive over the speed limit as I am by people who feel the need to accelerate and speed in places where they have less than a quarter mile to travel.  Parking lots, on and off ramps, merge lanes, and so on.  Once you outgrow the whole "cool, I can make noise and move fast with this pedal" attitude of youth, the only reason you speed is because you're late and speeding through a parking lot isn't going to make much of a difference.  This isn't necessarily directed at you though, sorry for the rant ! :)

  8. On average about $40 a month for 3 years. However, you can avoid this by asking the judge for certain options such as deferred judification or defensive driving course. These options may be available if you talk with the judge in court. I posted the source which has much more information. Good luck!

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