
How much does your local cinema charge for an adult ticket?

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I think mine is ridiculous at £6.40! or am I just being stingy? reply please people.... how much does yours cost, more or less?




  1. here it cost $9 which is something like 4.50 to the English pound.

  2. €9.50 in Dublin.

    And as for popcorn and drinks, wow, one big rip off.

  3. My local cinema charge £6.30 but if you want a better seat (are not any different to the normal ones) its £7.00

  4. £5.50 in mine. yeah i think its quite expensive too. complain to your local MP? they probably wont do anything about it but you can try


  5. £5.00

  6. £6.50,

    I agree, its awful!

    I remember just last year i got tickets for Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, on the first day it came out, for £4.50

    how come its suddenly gone up so much?!

    and with food and drinks on top of that!!

    going to the cinema isn't just something you can do anymore, yoiu have to like save up before you can go!!!

  7. £5.50 weekdays £7.50 weekend

  8. $9, American.  Taking the family out to a movie is HUGELY expensive anymore...  :(

  9. Local cinema is £5.70 but the local Odeon is £7.20 or something ridiculous like that

  10. mine is £3.75 before 6pm (after 6pm its £5.50).

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