
How much does your toddler weigh and how old are they?

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mine is 18 months 25.4 lbs




  1. 2 year old girl going be 3 in october weighs 25 pounds

    5 year old girl going be 6 in november and weighs 35 pounds

  2. my 18 month old neice is 20 lbs.

  3. 4yo 40pounds - boy

    2yo 30pounds- boy

    2week old 7lb 15oz- girl!!!

  4. 16 months

    24 lbs


  5. my 25 month old is 28 lbs. he's a boy

  6. 31 months   27lbs

  7. 14.6 kilos almost 2 and a half years old

  8. 23 months

    23.5 lbs.


  9. 18 months and she weighs in at 23lb 10oz

  10. my daughter is 28 lbs, 33 inches and 22 1/2 months and I LOVE every little bit of her... she'll be 2 Aug 22!!

  11. 16 and half months old...25lbs.*girl*

  12. My son will be three in two months, and he is 34 lbs :)

  13. My daughter is 2 and she weighs 32 lbs, and is very tall

  14. my almost 4yr old girl weighs 48lbs but she is real tall

    my son who is two weighs about 32lbs

  15. my boy is 17 months and 22.8 pounds

  16. My boy is 28 months

    38lbs and 3ft tall =]

  17. Mine is a boy, 28 months, 31 lbs., 38 inches tall.

  18. my 3 year old daughter weighs 21 pounds

  19. 18months

    33.5 lbs


    He also really tall for his age.

  20. girl, 4 in September, 41 pounds, 37 in tall

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