
How much dog food should i feed my overweight regular dachshund? She is not a mini and is 8 years old?

by Guest34017  |  earlier

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Help! She needs it. Anyone has a site that would tell me the feeding measurements of a regular dachshaund? If yes then please give it.




  1. check the side of your dog food bag. they usually recommend amounts based on your dogs weight. What is your target weight? If uncertain, check with your vet.

    use the recommended weight  less 10 percent.  and cut back the treats.

    good luck.

    oh! and check your dog  food companies web site.  they may have a diet  brand

  2. A standard, not-overweight Dachshund can weight anywhere between 16 and 32 pounds and still fit the breed standard, so if you only say she's a standard and overweight, it's hard to figure out the proper amount to feed her, since the size of Dachshunds can differ so much dog to dog. How much to feed also greatly depends on the brand of food you are feeding her. You would need to feed about 1/3 less of a high-quality brand as you would a low-quality brand, for example.

    How much are you feeding her now, and what brand? Also, how much does she currently weigh, and how much does she need to lose to be at her ideal weight? I can't really give you any solid numbers without knowing this info.

    If she's very overweight, reducing her food is not going to be enough. She needs more exercise, and healthy, low calorie treats. Instead of table scraps of dog treats, try giving her carrots instead. You can also supplement her food with carrots and other veggies, which will help her lose weight without going hungry. For example, you could feed her 2/3 of what you feed her now, and give her a handful of baby carrots or green beans to make up for the food you had to hold back. Veggies are low in calories and are a great substitute for fattening treats and food. My two Doxies absolutely love baby carrots, and I love them too, because I know they won't cause weight-gain. I probably don't need to tell you how incredibly dangerous it is for a Dachshund to be overweight because of the strain it puts on their spine.

  3. I like the look of a dachshund. They are so cute.

  4. Is your dog neutered/spayed?  How much exercise does she get?  Are you feeding home made food or kibble?  What kind of treats and how many does she get?

    I own a Standard, he's very active and gets a lot of exercise.  I feed him 3/4 cup a day (split into 2 meals, morning and evening).  I feed a high quality kibble, he gets one small cookie at night before bed.  On days that we train and I know he's going to be getting extra food, I cut back on his meals.

    Give her a 1/4 cup less that what your currently giving her.  You can add fresh vegetables to her meal, like stringbeans, sweet potato,apples, carrots etc.  This will help fill her up.  I also suggest you feed her 2x's a day, it's makes it easier to digest having 2 smaller meals.  

    As for treats, no more store bought cookies or whatever snackes your giving.  Give her carrots, they can be cooked or raw.  Most dogs like them as they are sweet and crunchy.

    Start increasing the exercise.  Even by cutting back on her food, she will not loose the weight until she starts getting out more.  Start by walking her around the block, as her stamina increases, take her further.

    Keep in mind, it's like a person loosing weight, less food, no junk food and more exercise.  Same works for dogs.

    Fat is very bad for a dachshund, due to the way their built, it's hard on their back.

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