
How much doo colleges look at freshmen year?

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I'm taking two honors courses freshman year (math and science). Due to the high difficulty of my school's honors courses my counselor suggests that I not do honors English or history freshman year since I could take them next year if I think I can handle it. I'm trying to get a scholarship to a good engineering school. Will not taking all honors freshman hurt my chances of a scholarship at a state school?




  1. Freshman year is a transitional period for many high school students so not everyone does great their freshman year. Colleges understand that. They do look at your overall record but they also understand if students don't excel their freshman year.

    I would say you take the time to ease into high school just so you don't overwhelm yourself and do poorly. So yes I would follow your guidance counselors suggestions.  

  2. They look at GPA much more than individual years.  If you and your counselor think that you would be able to get better grades taking two at a time, I would say do that.  It would be better to do them slowly and get a better GPA in the long run.

  3. Freshman year is not looked at much.  I would follow your guidence counselor's suggestion personally.

  4. Most colleges focus mainly on junior and sophomore years, as well as your overall GPA. Freshman year isn't really that big a deal, so you don't need to take those courses. However, if you think you could handle it and get good grades in all your classes, those courses could only help.

    It all depends on what you think you can handle without letting your grades slip.

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