
How much dosage of uva ursi capsules should I take for repeated UTI?

by  |  earlier

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I just recently bought 500mg capsules of uva ursi. It says to take 1 table 3 times a day daily preferably after a meal. However, I'm not sure how many DAYS I should take this. I'm reading articles online and they say if I take too much, it can be poisonous to my liver. How many days should I take this? I'm really getting tired of having UTI for too many times.




  1. You should look into why you're getting so many UTI's. Chronic infection isn't something to take lightly, and they can be caused by any number of nasty things, including diabetes. Unless you know why you're getting so many, you should go see your doctor instead of trying to treat it on your own.

  2. Normally, it's for a couple of days if it is just an analgesic(the kind that makes your urine orange), you may need to go and get actual antibiotics (to take for 10 days)to kill the infection.

  3. I had a UTI scare a while said the best natural thing was 1/2 & 1/2: 1/2 water, 1/2 cranberry juice.

  4. I would not take Uva Ursi long term.  It is way too hard on the liver.  The best natural UTI preventative and treatment is D-Mannose that can be taken everyday.  It is completely Non-Toxic and bacteria cannot develop a resistance to it.

  5. You need to be cleaner during s*x... and also cranberry juice is said to help.

  6. I would consider a doctor's visit- depends if it's bacterial or fungal....ect.....the doctor can determine and make their judgement. Probably do need a prescription, they can always give you something else just tell them what you're tolerable to. Drink plently of cranberry juice and water in the mean time,,,,wear clean panties, limit s*x to avoid

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