
How much dose it cost to get an abortion if in 3months?

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How much dose it cost to get an abortion if in 3months?




  1. you can not have an abortion . you are too far along and why would you think of taking a life away . consider adoption you will make money from it.

  2. a life

  3. A life time of regret and eternity in h**l!!!

  4. I think it is horrible that you would even consider this. You've waited this long and now you want to use abortion as convenient, after the fact, birth control?

    If you had s*x and got pregnant, you should be an adult and follow through with the consequences. This child should be given a chance at life. Give the baby up for adoption and make the grown up decision.

    How can anyone think of killing their own child? I just do not understand. What if your mother had considered killing you? Would that be okay?

  5. bout $395.00 or more since so far along )))))))))baby killer((((((((((

  6. If you can afford to get an abortion then you can afford to raise that baby. Don't end a life just because you were stupid.

  7. I don't think you can.  I think you are too far along.  And dr could be wrong.  You could be even further.  If you really wanted an abortion, you would have and should have gotten it sooner.

    God Bless

  8. In the UK, u can have an abortion up to 24 weeks and its free.

  9. Look in your local phone book, or online. There's plenty of information and faqs.  

  10. who cares! give the baby up for shouldn't have been having s*x if you didn't want to get pregnant!!

  11. Choose LIfe! Abortion is not an option!

  12. A life, a lifetime of regret and a baby for a loving couple who can't have one of their own.

  13. I've read online at planned parenthood 350-650 dollars. Depends on what type you get too.  

  14. that's illegal you cant get an abortion after 8 weeks since the baby has all its organs and even has fingerprints and if its a girl has all her eggs in her ovaries. You should consider adoption it doesn't cost you anything you will actually make money

  15. Yuck.

    A three month old baby sucks its thumb and is considered a fetus, not an embryo.

    The cost is irrelevant.

    What's the cost, you ask?

    This little fellow's life.

  16. how about you research on your own. why ask a bunch of pregnant women? gosh i hate these d**n questions.

  17. The cost of taking a life is very high...Make sure you are ready for the consequences . Please rethink having an abortion.

  18. depends where you are if in the states check out planned parent hood hood,

    Hun at 3 months that baby's heart is beating it has nerves fingers and toes,

    I had a 8 weeks scan today and to see my baby on screen was breath taking.

    There is always another option please think long and hard

  19. at 3 months the fetus can feel it, and you getting an abortion at 3 months, now thats when you consider it murder!...but if you were a couple of weeks i wouldnt see the problem

    think about it.....

  20. wow, alot of people act crazy just cause someone asks a question about abortion. this world is way over populated as it is. i know alot of you are going to hate me for saying that.  

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