
How much dose it cost to higher a paranormal investigator team?

by  |  earlier

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i have a psychology final to do and a part i need to know the cost of highering a paranormal investigator team and if due case the cost of an exorcism




  1. Most groups do not charge. In fact most paranormal groups I know of frown on those who do. For one thing it causes suspicion of frauds for financial gain. Groups like the American ghost society teaches it is wrong to charge. however it is okay to ask for payment for any out of pocket expenses like film gas to and from etc.*

  2. Depends on where you live, but most paranormal investigators (especially the ones with TV shows) will do investigations for free if it is an interesting enough case.  Also...  an exorcism is traditionally done by a priest, so no cost there either.

  3. they do it for free

  4. They should not cost anything.  They may take donations.

    If they do charge, I would be weary.

  5. sometims it can be free i think... check out this website


  6. it costs alot becausethere busy all the im pretty sure they cost alot

  7. I am having a psychic vision "you will pay to much"

  8. lol! why would this be on a psychology final?

    They'd probably charge you a few hundred bucks to come up with phony EMI sounds they record and make up stuff based on the site's past history.

  9. If a person has one ounce of common sense, it would cost absolutely nothing. You can just drag some bum off the street and get him to do just as effective a job (probably better). He'll be glad to do it for nothing, just for something to do.


  10. Any legitimate paranormal investigators will not charge for their services. They do it to help people and to find proof one way or the other.

  11. no problem about the spelling.  The typical group is a not for profit group and cost are out of pocket of the members.  There are groups who will accept donations and they do have an option on their web sites that a person may opt to contribute but are under no obligation to do so.

    There are groups who do charge.  They consider the cost of the equipment and their time and experience worth the cost.  I cannot give you a dollar figure, I personally have never involved myself with a group who does charge.

    When  my group is contacted by an individual, it is explained to them that we do not charge for any service that is rendered.  We do not charge because we want to remain objective and we are dependent on contact with individuals so that we may be able to investigate.

    Hope that helped you.

  12. Most paranormal investigators (ghost hunters) don't charge for their services. We're only too happy to do an investigation if we can find evidence (or not) of a haunting. We also take donations, the amount is up to the client, but in general, there's no set rate.

    That help?

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