
How much dose its cost to adopt a baby?

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how much dose its cost to adopt a baby?




  1. Costs do vary but I think on average it costs the adoptee a complete sense of self and shatters the ability to love unconditionally, while depleting the stores of trust. It costs feeling acceptance, and having one's natural abilities and traits modeled.

    For the mother of adoption loss it can cost her future fertility, confidence, self-esteem. Sometimes it costs her severe depression and lack of trust in others. There is a toll of resentment her family may bear for not helping her keep her baby.

    For the adoptive parents, usually it's just a bunch of money. Oh and some paperwork.

  2. it depens on teh model and color u want

  3. Click on the tab that says 'discover'   this question  has been asked at least ten million times in the last month, I'm sure you will find answers there too

    Good luck

  4. 2900000000000837302.782020000000.0999999...


    sorry idk

  5. My reaction to this question echoes the answer from Adoptionissadandsick.  If only we could start to ask "what does adoption cost the child and the mother?" and "what does adoption cost society?" instead of "how much money does adoption cost?", then we might be on our way to true reform.

  6. $0.00

    Jolie already bought them all. try back in year 4010 .

  7. The costs is nothing compared to what the child is worth, which is priceless. Generally when parents begin asking about the $$$,,,we know they are not committed to the process.

  8. A lot.

    And, sweetie, before you adopt a baby, please learn to spell "does" so your baby doesn't fail spelling in first grade.

  9. My wife and I are in the process of adopting a child.  The cost is different depending on whether you adopt privately or through an agency.  Also, international adoption is more expensive.

    Private adoption can range from $8,000 to $13,000.

    Agency adoption can range from $12,000 to $18,000.

    International adoption can range from $18,000 to $30,000.

    We are going to be adopting from Ecuador and we have been given an estimate of about $23,000.

    If you adopt through a local Children's Social Services, it is free, but it can take a very long time if you are looking for a healthy infant.

  10. As far as I know, my aparents got me for free.

  11. I am sorry if this hurts, but for someone who cannot even spell does,,and who goes to yahoo answers for adoption pricing??? let's just say you shouldn't be in the market for a child,,why not start with a goldfish.

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