
How much driving have you reduced since the skyrocketing gas prices?

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I was wandering because i have certainly diminished my time behind the wheel cuz the gas prices are an outrage




  1. A little, basically I've just slowed down -  I generally don't exceed 60 MPH.

    My Corolla gets 40+ MPG by just slowing down.

  2. I moved downtown next to my campus so I wouldn't have to drive to school or work next year.

  3. personally  I've parked our family van except for emergencies and the kids use there bikes to travel around town,we share our 4 cyl  and try to make round trips to needed places only once or twice a week instead of just going where ever 10 or more times through out the week.

  4. ALOT

  5. We sold our truck and bought my husband a little economy car.  He works 50 miles from home so that's 100 miles 6 days a week.  As for me, I had to stop taking my son to the allergist once a week because they are too far.  He has been doing fine for the past 6 months on allergy meds thankfully, so that helps out.  If he wouldn't have done fine on the meds, I would have had to figure something out to get him there.  I am a stay at home Mom and do nothing but go to the grocery store and maybe to the Redbox for a movie and my gas costs me a little over $50.00 a week!!  I drive a Dodge Stratus.

  6. Just try to combine errands, rather than running up the raod for one thing in particular.

  7. I don't necessarily drive less, but I do take pleasure trips less. I used to drive through town instead of taking the highway just so I could enjoy the trip, but with gas prices so high I try to save every penny. I'm always wondering what people will do once gas becomes so expensive that many people won't be able to afford it anymore. Like once it hits $10 a gallon, I won't drive at all! What will we all do?

  8. I bought a bike in March, and never paid over $3.09 a gallon.

  9. well igot a new car so i was driving more for a week or 2 but now only when i have to....

  10. Miles driven hasn't changed.  I was carpooling two years ago, just as soon as my job changed and I could share a ride.

    I have changed over to driving the car that gets better mileage, even though it is a somewhat less comfortable ride.  26mpg carpooled trumps 37mpg alone, but 37mpg carpooled is even better.

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