
How much education does a person have to have to get a job on a cruise ship?

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I mean to work as a waitress or in housekeeping.Do you have to have a high school diploma? and yes this person asking is over 25. Thank you in advance.




  1. You definitely should have taken the Swimming course in Phys.Ed.

  2. i don't know but when i went i saw alot of people from weirod name places so u couldn't have to much expext put up w/ alot of c**p and cleaning up

  3. American's generally are not hired for Room Attendant or Wait Staff.

    As an American, which I am assuming you are, you would be more likely to get a job as Cruise Staff.  Depending on the position, only a high school diploma is required.

    If you have your heart set on being a Waitress or Room Attendant you might want to look at NCL America.  The hire exclusively American citizens for all positions and are based in Hawaii and do Hawaiian cruises.

  4. depends on the Job

    look for your self here is the link to Carnival "fun jobs"

    click the job you want to look into and it will tell you what you need

    most other lines have a similar page just look at the bottom

  5. I do not believe so, but you do have to be bilingual.

  6. Hummm.... well... most of the non-technical and no-education-required jobs are taken on the cruise ships by people from 3rd world countries.  The restaurants all have Waiters and I don't remember seeing more than a handfull of waitresses.  

    Educated White Americans can get jobs as cruise directors or running the spas and health clubs.. or... in the CASIONS... and the dealers make Boucoup bucks.

    Check with the cruise lines.  they all have web sites and most of them have sections showing their job openings... you will get a lot more and better answers from their web sites than you will here on Answers.

    Be aware that you will have to sign a contract for 6 months to a year and you will be LIVING on the boat, so you won't be able to go home at night or even leave the ship when it's in a port, depending on what your work schedule is like.

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