
How much electricity does a fruit machine use?

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if I kept a fruit machine on for 24 hours how much approximatley would it cost me?




  1. whats a fruit machine?

  2. What's a fruit machine?

  3. Your machine should have a nameplate on the back that shows the power rating.

    If it is listed in Watts, then just use:

    kWh = Watts * 24 hours / 1000

    If it is listed in Amperes (sometimes shown as A or Amps), then you first need to calculate Watts by using

    Watts = voltage * Amperes , then use the first equation to get the kWh.

  4. It all depends on the wattage it uses , 1000 watts = 1 unit of electric in 1 hour

    100 watts  1 unit in 10 hours  

  5. Plenty of juice

  6. a blender?

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