
How much electronic knowledge do you feel is need to repair a computer ?

by  |  earlier

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Or a television, radio, etc ?




  1. You start with Ohm's Law and never lose sight of it. The rest is how we obey the Law and get the electrons to work for us. I can tell cruisinnn has the bug, all you really learn is you have a lot more to learn. I pay people to do things they are better at and I don't care to learn, like health care for instance. You have to understand how the body flows to fix it, and you have to understand how electrons flow to fix electronic things. It takes time. I started about age five trying to figure it out with a screwdriver and hammer. You have the Internet at your disposal, so learn it or pay someone else to fix it. Check the power supply first on general failures, and anything with a motor involved is most likely related to the motor itself. Good luck.

  2. its quite alot of theory and practice to do this type of work.Electronic is a very wide field of kowledge.For starters you will have know all the different types of components in a circuit and what their fuctions are.Second you'll have to know all the voltage,current,watts,power etc formula,and learn how to read schematics.Third you will defintely have to masters all the testers(digital,analog)you''ll have to learn the ocillscope.Once you know all the stuff above then you will have to learn differnt types of circuits ,how to troubleshoot ,work,repair,test,build etc .etc......And after you master all of the above you'll just keep advancing to more and more deep stuff.

    ..If you love to mingle with electronic stuff and want to learn more about it ,you should definitely look up some courses online or at colleges that offer this career.It is fun to do and you'll find it amazing to know how all the differenet type of electronic devices work around you.,its definitely worth the time.

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