
How much emphasis do you put on your birthday?

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Well all of Furious Blue's friends hopes that he has a really great one!




  1. WellI wish Furious Blue all the best.

    I put no emphasis on my birthday now that I have had people I loved leave or die around that time. My 16th, 21st and my 23rd birthdays were the worst of my life. So I am hereby swearing off of the thing.

  2. none, I hate birthdays for some reason, I don't know why,but I just always have!

  3. Very little. I try to see that it goes by unnoticed as much as possible!!

  4.'s just a number. I don't think much of it---it's just like any other day. It's not like on that one day I all of a sudden become wiser and older-looking. Becoming old is a process that happens every day.

  5. My birthday is the most important day of the year. My family and friends celebrate it for at least two weeks!

    Even as a child, my birthday was much more important to me than Xmas or other holidays. (except for the 4th of July)  

  6. What's a birthday??? L o l!  The only reason I pay attention to it is because I have a granddaughter that was born on the same date. I generally try to do something special with her that day.

  7. As of 2 years ago, it's just another day.

  8. The wishes from friends are nice & I appreciate them, but it's just another day now. Maybe a few games of pool with my friends & cake n ice cream. When you are a kid it seems like you just couldn't wait & the parties were fun. Seems the older you get the less you care.  =o`)

  9. none. we should celebrate everyday as a birthday as it is the birth day of the only day you have

  10. I hate to admit it, but I love being fussed over on my birthday, and I'm never disappointed.  My family is really good about making me feel special.  

    Hope Furious Blue has a great birthday!

  11. its literally the best day of the year! even if i dont do anything, like mentioned above thats my own personal holiday!

  12. Always look forward to the whole family getting together...and having ice cream..but, that goes for anyone's birthday in the family...mine is no longer special to me..except for that.

  13. At our house birthdays are a weekend long affair.

  14. Roughly about as much as Bedouin Arabs put on quicksand.

    Peace, Angel.  

  15. ARE YOU KIDDING?!?!!?

    I am 29 and my birthdays last all month. Big emphasis. It is MY OWN personal holiday... and I make sure everyone knows it.  

  16. Happy Birthday!!!!

    And it's the bestest day of the year of course

  17. Not much, but tomorrow is my 18th! :)

  18. A lot!  I celebrate it for a week at least, or until everybody gets sick of me talking about it, whichever lasts longer! LOL!

    Happy Birthday, FB!  

  19. nothing...just another dy for cake and ice cream...yummy

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