
How much energy did we save during Earth Hour?

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For the hour that we shut off the lights yesterday, (March 29, 2008) I was just wondering how much energy we saved, or at least can you give me a site telling me? Thanks!




  1. Apparently electrcity consumption spiked durring earth hour in my city.

  2. You will never know because there is no way to know.

    The whole point of the exercise was to get people to THINK ABOUT energy conservation and ways to do so in future.  Next year they hope to have countries like China participating too.

    It's all about changing peoples perspectives.

    We really must.  If we don't alter our ways, how we live and how we consume and our toxic output, in the next 10 years especially, there really is going to be damage that could amount to catastophic damage to mankind.

    It's really ironic that people refuse to see that.  But our children will live to know that much I am sure of.

  3. Nothing is saved acc. to all investigations. It's just for fun.

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