
How much energy does one personal wind mill make every hour with approximitly a constant 15 mile an hr wind sp

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personal windmill a windmill powerful enough to power a house

how much would one cost




  1. At 15 mph a 20kw turbine will produce about 4kw, this would be plenty for an average home. That would be 4kw hours per hour, would be 2880 kw a month or about 3 times my average usage. You would probably have no trouble getting all of your power from a 10kw system and likely could get away with something in the 5 to 10 kw range.  Most manufacturers will have a power curve for their turbine, every one is a little different some are more efficient at low speeds and others in heavy winds, but with a 15mph wind you are in a very good position for almost any wind power system.

    This is the web page for the power output for a 20kw Jacobs 31-20 (there are also links on that page to price lists etc. for the Jacobs turbines)  

    That is the wind turbine that I have and with approximately 12mph winds I produce twice my electric needs and sell power back to the electric company.  This system costs about $50k and most quality setups that would produce all of your power will probably run over $35k has info on their 10kw turbine. I have heard that they build a high quality unit.


    that's a 10kw,  or 100 amp generator.

    i suspect it's bigger than you were thinking of.

    one might note that houses vary.

    maybe something around 5kw is more normal.

    here's the main url for the company.

  3. I've been doing two years of research and pricing for my condo unit and let me just say

    Aviator has the right numbers for electric produced and cost.

  4. depends on the design of the turbine...size

    5k and up..

    do it yourself it least expensive if you like to do the science.

    Jackson Brown has a nice set up at his ranch!

  5. it all depends on many things the propeller span, pitch and the rating of the generator .   so w/o that info it is impossible to answer ......

    I have heard that for about 15 K one can install a wind mill that will power up a house

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