
How much energy is used on highways on lighting?

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I was just wondering how much energy is used just light up one highway with the lights on the sides. (hope this makes sense)




  1. The main problem is not the energy but where the light wasted goes.

    The biggest problem with most street lights is that they let light go up into space where we don't really need to send it and where it causes light pollution (disgusting pink or orange glow you see near a city), putting a reflector around the street light to send it back down to the road would reduce energy usage by about 40% if it provides the same light output on the road while also reducing light pollution and reduces glare caused by the light (since drivers wouldn't actually see the light itself, just the illuminated road).

    The inefficiency of the lights is mainly an economic issue with the wasted light being a light pollution and road safety issue. The power usage isn't going to matter all that much if the power comes from a clean source (which outside of France is very unlikely).

  2. well its a good question but not easy to work out.

    Like you have to go by the nergy consumed at one unit like how much watt light is used, hten the total no. of lights on the highway.

    One answer cannot fit all.

  3. This is an EXCELLENT question!

    I'm not an expert, but as an observer, I would say TOO MUCH!

    I do know that some places use solar lighting for this application, mostly though the cost is paid through taxpayers dollars.

    I will be following up to see what kind of responses you get, I'm curious about it too.  The website below has interesting articles regarding this topic you may find interesting. :)Trudi

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