
How much energy is used when a power gate to an underground parking lot is activated?

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I am looking to find out how much energy could be saved by only using the power gate for entry and exit of cars and NOT for foot entry and exit, where there are stairwells than can be used instead. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.




  1. You would need to check out the size of the motor that lifts the gate in terms of wattage that it uses.  Multiply that by the time that it is actually running.  Usually, it is still a small number and really doesn't represent the use of much electricity.  There is also a slight bit of wear and tear on the motor. Individually, for one site, it really isn't much.  Multiply that by the hundreds of places that use power gates and it does add up.  The exercise is good for you.

  2. Find the amperage and voltage of the motor that opens the gate.  

    For example:  If it operates at 230 volts and 2 amps - it uses 460 watts or 0.46 kilowatt.   If it were to operate continuously for one hour, the load would be 0.46kwh.

    Then multiply the utility rate (say $0.09/kwh) by your KWH (0.46 kwh) and have determined that the gate costs $0.041 / hour, not compensating for your demand load (the multiplier a utility company charges you for your maximum sustained total amperage draw for a 15 minute period of time in your billing cycle).

    But, your motor does not operate continuously for one hour.  Lets say that it operates for 20 minutes out of an hour, then the cost would be 1/3rd of the $0.041.  You can calculate your actual costs by timing the motor and how long it takes to cycle  up and down.  Determine how many cycles could operate in an hour (if it were operating constantly) and you can determine the operational cost by dividing the number of minutes per cycle by 60 minutes per hour (confused yet?).

  3. Well this question is relitive.  The gate could open to the roof, down threw the floor, swing away, or roll to the side.  The methods determine the energy used.

    You also have to take in a lot of factors like how much the gate weighs, incline of the surface it is moving on, the power source dynamics.

    Lets just say a lot more than you would think.  If I have to walk up two floors not only is it faster to take the stairs but it saves a stupid amount of energy.  Plus it is a h**l of a lot better for you to just walk.

  4. Hello,

    The gate has a motor nearby to operate this gate.  These motors should all  have a metal tag afixed with ALL kinds of information.  It will tell you how powerful it is. Your energy company might have an energy conservation program.  They are  able to tell you about its energy consumption .  Give the representative the label info.

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