
How much environmental savings could my giving up toilet paper make?

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How much environmental savings could my giving up toilet paper make?




  1. I guess it could be rather alot but I'm not sure about exact figures!

    Here are some thoughts from the Big Green Switch website;

    Hope this helps.

    Bright Blessings

  2. Well, I am sure that no one would be asking you about how you are helping the environment within a week.

    How much do you use?  It takes 1 whole tree to make one roll of TP.  (Al said so!)

    Just don't ask me to shake your hand to congratulate you afterward.

  3. none.

    Think of how often you would have to change your undies. All that extra water washing them.

    Now, you could change to recycled paper toilet paper or more eco-friendly paper and that would make an impact.

    There are always corn cobs I guess, but I'd hate to think we have to go back to that. It's just too painful to think about.

    Ok... found this site to help you. Says  

    "What is the average number of toilet tissue sheets a person uses in one day?

    On average, consumers use 8.6 sheets per trip - a total of 57 sheets per day. That's an annual total of 20,805 sheets. (Charmin)...

    How much does the average roll of toilet paper weigh?

    The average roll weighs 227 grams, including the cardboard core tube. This is just over half of a pound.


    By recycling 1 ton of paper you would save:

    17 trees

    6953 gallons of water

    463 gallons of oil

    587 pounds of air pollution

    3.06 cubic yards of landfill space

    4077 Kilowatt hours of energy "

    You could make a pretty good impact I guess.

    "What did people use before toilet paper was invented?

    *Newsprint, paper catalogue pages in early US

    *Hayballs, Scraper/gompf stick kept in container by the privy in the Middle Ages

    *Discarded sheep's wool in the Viking Age, England

    *Frayed end of an old anchor cable was used by sailing crews from Spain and Portugal *Medieval Europe- Straw, hay, grass, gompf stick

    *Corn cobs, Sears Roebuck catalog, mussel shell, newspaper, leaves, sand- United States

    *Water and your left hand, India

    *Pages from a book, British Lords

    *Coconut shells in early Hawaii

    *Lace was used by French Royalty

    *Public Restrooms in Ancient Rome- A sponge soaked in salt water, on the end of a stick

    *The Wealthy in Ancient Rome-Wool and Rosewater

    *French Royalty-lace, hemp

    *Hemp & wool were used by the elite citizens of the world

    *Defecating in the river was very common internationally

    *Bidet, France

    *Snow and Tundra Moss were used by early Eskimos"

    So, if you used one standard roll every five days (using national average) you could save 36.5 pounds of paper a year, but keep in mind that 40% of that is recycled paper.

    *Note: Didn't think about all the diesel  fuel trucks burn driving all the ingredients around to make paper. If you add all that in you could get somewhere.

    So if I've done my math right. You would save per year...

    1/3 of a tree

    127 gallons of water

    8 1/3 gallons of oil

    10 1/2 pounds of air pollution

    .06 cubic feet of landfill space

    74 Kilowatt hours of energy

    But then you would have to have a substitute and figure out the math on that and subtract.

    So I was wrong, IF you can find a substitute that makes less impact.

  4. I guess it depends how much you eat... and then release...

    How messy are you?

    If you live by a lake you could just jump in there and go

    That's what the fish do

  5. You would singly handedly stop Global Warming and be a hero like Al Gore. Don't worry about the toilet paper, I will stop by your house anytime and l**k you clean because I umm care about the environment.....yeah.

  6. if you use 100% recycled toilet paper your not doing to bad

    if you use new with no recycled content your a bad person and should give up toilet paper and use your fingers to wipe

  7. Not much, but think of the friends you'd make!

  8. If this is a serious question, a lot.  Although I don't know how you'd get your *** clean without em.

  9. just get a bidet and you dont have worry about tp ever

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