
How much extra cash (monthly or weekly ) does the Government pay if you have a child with A.D.H.D ?

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  1. Why would you get money for having a child with ADHD?

  2. Why would you need extra money. You can probably get more help from social services n such like but hopefully not more money. I dont pay my taxes so naughty kids can get extra spends.

  3. Are you joking?  None!   .....REALLY??

  4. My god dont you think the government pay out enough for free loaders, without people trying to claim for naughty kids !! what has this world come to.

  5. What? Why would the government give out cash for a condition which frankly does NOT effect as many children as doctors say it does? ADHD is not a terminal illness nor is it life cripling. Whats going on here?

  6. The only thing that i heard about with ADHD are scholarships for college but i may be wrong.  I would look into that though because you never know what you will find.

  7. None , my freind has it

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