
How much faster is online poker than live?

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How much faster is online poker than live?




  1. Yeah, online poker is at least twice as fast per hand. And that's not including the fact that you can play several tables at the same time. So really, if you can play 3 tables at once at twice the speed, the action you get online comes around about 6 times as fast as in live games.

  2. i say online poker. why well everyone is like just right there in front of the computer so like you have a certain time limit on online-poker and in real life you dont and it takes like an hour or so.

  3. I thought I knew everything about online poker, but it wasn't until I read this free E-book that I start banking really hard.

  4. 50-100% faster.

  5. online is much faster than live poker...everyone is timed....also no chit chat and the dealer is fast...I online play online cause you can play more than one table at once...check these sites out if you want to play online they are the best...

  6. There are many advantages

    with playing poker online compared with live poker. One is that the game is played at a higher pace. This makes it possible for the good player to win money faster. Another advantage with Internet poker is that players are able to play at multiple tables, which is almost impossible to do in a brick and mortar casino. Winning players can double their profit when playing Internet poker at two tables, and almost triple when playing at three. But remember that you can lose money fast if you play recklessly at many tables at the same time. Before you start multitasking, make sure you can handle the fast pace of Internet poker.

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