
How much fat can i lose?

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For the past month, i have been eating very unhealthy. I have been eating out alot, eating a ton of junk food. I am somewhat fit, used to workout 5 days a week during the school year and stopped during the past month and a half or so cuz its summer and its hard enough to do it with all your friends wanting to hang out and such. I am only 17 so my metabolism is still up there. I got a lot of fat through out the month and even tho no1 can really notice it, i can notice it on my belly and my love handles. With school starting up monday, im going to go back to eating healthy like i used to, but only eating the healthiest i have ever in my life and on top of that imma start some intense circuit training that will pretty much exhaust the living c**p out of me. Is it possible to lose a lot of FAT within a week and a half?? ( idc about my weight, im only 165 ). I am also going to a pool party next weekend also and i want as much fat gone! i gotta impress the potentials if u no what i mean... ;) ( and i dont want to hear it about how i shouldnt need my body to look good to impress...i no most of you look for looks and body so dont even... and plus im only 17, not goin into that deep stuff yet... ). I just want to know if its possible to get quite a bit of my fat gone by then.




  1. try swimming everyday or running for two hours and alot of exersize and dont eat fats of meat  and drink alot of water

    Good Luck

  2. This is going to sound like all the other ones at first, but pay attention.

    You have to change your diet. Eat more potassium rich foods. Potassium is used in the krebs cycle, which uses water, potassium, and glycogen to make over 2/3rds of the energy in your body. It will keep the gylcogen from turning into fat, and will give you more energy to get rid of the fat with.

    Secondly, you need to work out, but not like what most people think. The whole purpose of working out is to get your heart working in a specific range that allows for maximum output for the maximum amount of time.

    The best way to do this is a slow run, whatever feels right. You may only be doing 10, 12, or even 14 minute miles, but thats not important. It will keep your heart in a good range that will burn the most fat. You will probably surprise yourself with all the extra energy you are going to have from the potassium,

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