
How much fat do you burn in an hour of cycling?

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Cycling on flat roads no wind at around 12-14 mph. Assume that you burn 600 total calories; how many are from fat, how many from carbs, and protein? Thanks :)




  1. You don't. Cycling is high intensity aerobic exercise. It therefore burns up sugars and carbohydrates. Anaerobic exercise like sprinting or weight training burns up fats. It's to do with the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream. Where oxygen in the bloodstream is plentiful your body automatically burns up the most efficient energy source which is sugars- when oxygen is limited for example during periods of weight training etc. fats become a better energy source.

  2. First of all, - forget the calories rubbish, any website or misinformed 'expert' will give you a totally inaccurate value!!

    Secondly, you will only have a maximum of 60-90 minutes carb supplies distributed throughout the body!

    A lot depends on your overall fitness and aerobic ability, a fit experienced rider will take a long time to warm up (i take at least 40 mins) the idea is to burn fats and save the glycogen for the hills, sprints, attacks  and so forth!

    Initially you will burn carbs then fats at varying rates, - No answer will satify your query - Sorry!!

    EDIT: I think andy the atheist, has confused his anaerobic with aerobic.


  3. Carbs will always burn first. Then you will feel a little tired. When your second wind kicks in, it's your body using fat instead of carbs. The more you exercise, the less lull you will feel and the more fat you will burn. You have to train your body to burn fat. Sorry there's no easy answer here.

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