
How much food do 5 danios need

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i have


freeze dried blood worms

and i am getting some frozen food (if you can recommend a good one)

whats a good amount to feed and how often




  1. Once a day for 2-3 minutes will be sufficient remove all uneaten food as it will foul the water. Frozen bloodworns and brine shrimp are popular treats.

  2. They don't need much. Remember that their stomachs are only about the size of their eyes, so they can't hold too much food.

    For flakes, just give them a very small pinch twice a day.

    Freeze dried BW.... honestly I'm not a fan of. Give this only about once a week as a treat. So 1 or 2 each. Make sure to soak them first before feeding.

    Frozen foods, there are frozen bloodworm, and frozen brineshrimp you could feed them. For only 5 danios though, they're not going to need alot, so if you get the frozen food that comes in a cube.

    Break off a small chunk... very small chunk and put the remainder of the cube in to a ziplock bag and pop it back in to the freezer.

    Defrost the small chunks in a cup w/ some tank water in it. Should only take a min or so, then pour back in to the tank.

    Vary it up a bit. Just remember that w/ bloodworms, it has a tendency to constipate fish b/c of the high protein. So don't feed that too often.

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