
How much food should I feed my mice?

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In the recipe below, how much (in cups) should I feed my 3 mice each day? I made the mixture, and it seems like there is a LOT of molasses, is that OK?

*1 part by volume cooked wholegrain rice (you can cook large batches & freeze

it for convenience)

*2 parts crushed barley or oats, or a mixture (or porridge oats)

*1/2 part millet or cockatiel seed

*1/2 part molasses - packed full of vitamins, and sweet too, so it binds

the foodtogether AND the mice like it.

Additional nutritional supplements can be added if desired:

*1/4 part Brewers' Yeast flakes - B vitamins to keep them healthy & happy

*1/2 part wheatgerm

*Cod liver oil according to manufacturer's recommended dosage.




  1. is there a particular reason why you are feeding your mice a handmade diet? and i can't imagine that all that molasses is good for them either. I have always liked Reggie rat brand or Tropical Carnival (which they REALLY love) with some lab blocks mixed in and of course plenty of fresh vegetables (and yogurt drops!). With a staple food like that you pretty much leave the food out for them and refill it as necessary. They aren't going to eat themselves to death. When I was working at a pet store we always kept the small animals food bowl full. Also, they like to burry their food, so you may think they are eating more then they actually are they are just saving it for later. just keep them active, play with them a lot and the should be just fine.

    the only thing that concerns me is that that recipe may not be adequate enough for them and the molasses may fill them up too fast... that stuffs like tar man!

  2. 0.o Is there a particular reason why you make your own instead of purchasing/ordering any?

  3. Always make sure food is available. I'd probably just do 1 part being a cup for the first batch as I don't know how this food will keep. Then maybe offer 1/8 cup daily per mouse. Honestly, cooked rice, oats, and seed is good, but why even bind it together? You can just make a dry mix. I'd also add parsley and dandilion greens and other fruits and veggies to the mix, but I wouldn't bother with molasses.

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