
How much food should i be feed a 5 wk bichon puppie?

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How much food should i be feed a 5 wk bichon puppie?




  1. small portions every 4 to 6 hours a day. give him plenty of fresh water to get him to drink.u can mix up moistened puppy chow and baby pablum mixed with warm water and a couple of tsp of canned puppy meat and make a mush so he can chew it.have him dewormed within the next 2 weeks. good luck

  2. not much. it should be with mommy  untill hes 8 weeks, and it should start to eat dry food at about 6 weeks. i hope u didnt separate the puppy from its mother this early!  

  3. Er. is this wee one away from his litter/mum already?  At five weeks he/she should be able to survive (weaned) but my puppies at this age were fed, and mum would go into the whelping area and 'top them up;.  They didn't actually need her food, and she wasn't giving them much by this age, but it's a comfort thing.  Otherwise, this puppy should be having breakfast, elevensies, lunch, tea, supper and again late evening before he goes to bed.  Breakfast, lunch and supper are obviously the 'main meals' with the others milk-based.

    Bit alarmed that you have to ask because if you bred the puppy you should already be aware, and if you have just bought him, he's basically too young!

    Hope he comes on okay.

  4. Why do you even have a 5 week old puppy? It is not even weened yet. Get it back with it's mother. A pup should not leave it's mother until it is at least 8 weeks old.

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